National Instructors & Coaches Association (NICA) was formed by the National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) to be the collective voice to support freelance coaches and instructors from sports, outdoor learning and adventure, visual and performing arts, fitness and wellness, and enrichment, to strengthen skills, standards and opportunities.
In supporting NICA members with skills deepening programmes such as the courses offered by Mind Transformations, NICA members enjoy lower course fees through the Union Training Assistance Programme (UTAP) which provides 50% subsidy of the balance unfunded course fee, up to $250 per calendar year. Till 31 December 2025, NICA members aged 40 years and above will enjoy higher funding support up to $500 per calendar year, capped at 50% of unfunded course fee.
If you wish to be part of a bigger voice for coaches and instructors, please sign up to be a NICA member at: www.ntuc.co/nica (Note: to indicate ‘NICA’ under the field for Company Name)
Find out more about NICA at:
www.nica.org.sg or
www.facebook.com/nicasingapore or