The Causes We Support
Over the years, we’ve been contributing toward a range of worthy charities and causes. These are in line with what’s important to us – our values and the life-supportive consciousness we are promoting.
Often, when we train in another country, we donate a percentage of our earnings to charities in that country, to reciprocate with the society that has hosted us.
Ngee Ann Polytechnic – Mind Transformations Prize
Annually, during the Ngee Ann Polytechnic Graduation Ceremony, outstanding students from various courses such as Psychology & Community Services, Environment & Water Technology, Tourism & Resort Management etc., receive our Mind Transformations Prize. We congratulate them and wish them a bright future ahead, knowing they will add to society with their skills and expertise.

NATAS Singapore Women’s Everest Team (SWET)
We’re extremely grateful to have contributed in a small way to the successful SWET climb and summit in May 2009. Especially with the tragedy at Everest in 2014, it brings to mind the enormous dangers faced by these courageous young women.
These gals have written an inspiring book, More than a Mountain, describing their personal journeys and team efforts, with beautiful photographs.
You can get your copy at:
Kampung Senang – the Village of Inner Peace
Founded in March 1999, this eco-conscious charity reaches out to provide compassionate care for the needy, promote health and eco-friendly lifestyles, and living in harmony with nature and our planet. They’re in total alignment with our life-supportive drive, offering many services to the community, among which – vegetarian food and wellness programmes for children, students, the sick and the elderly.
There are many opportunities to attend events and courses, to help out or donate.
Please visit: Kampung Senang for more information.

Vegetarian Society Singapore
“Humans are natural herbivores; we get heart disease when we eat meat.”
– Dr. Ong Hean Yee, Head of Cardiovascular Medicine, Khoo Teck Puat Hospital
In fact, according to T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D., in the most comprehensive study of nutrition ever conducted, The China Study, (collaboration with Cornell and Oxford Universities) a whole foods, plant-based diet can protect against and even reverse a wide variety of chronic diseases. He explains, scientifically, the relationship between diet and disease. We highly recommend this book; if you treasure your life, change your diet.
Mind Transformations is a corporate member and we embrace the wisdom that a whole foods, plant-based diet not only impacts one’s health, alertness and productivity, but also the burgeoning healthcare costs, world hunger, compassion for animals, global warming and environmental ravages. We’ve been purchasing the “Seeds for a Better World” VCD and “Plant Strong” DVD to give to our contacts. Call us on 8186 7508 if you’d like a copy.
There are numerous resources on the Vegetarian Society website, including where to find yummy vegetarian food in Singapore.
Updated: VSS began as a society and has became a registered charity, renamed Centre For A Responsible Future in 2018.
St. Andrew’s Autism Centre (SAAC)

Autism has become a worldwide phenomenon, rising dramatically since the 1980’s. While a 2012 global review estimates that 62 out of 10,000 people have autism spectrum disorders (ASD), a press release on 27 March 2014 by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (U.S.) estimates that 1 in 68 children (8 year olds) in the U.S. has ASD. Whatever the statistics, families with ASD members are severely pressurised emotionally and financially.
The SAAC is a non-profit, integrated centre for the autism school, adult autism services, and parent support group. You can find out more about their programmes and services, and how to volunteer or donate at
Rainbow Centre – Margaret Drive Special School

Rainbow Centre Singapore is a charity that runs two Special Education schools. The Margaret Drive Special School focuses on infants and young children, with early intervention programmes. The earlier special needs kids can get started on a specialised programme, the better the chances for their potential development.
Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, autism, developmental delay or multiple disabilities – they are all still a part of our society, and deserve our help and respect. They and their care-givers are really in need of our assistance.
Find out how you can support these kids at
Autism Association Singapore
Founded by a group of parents in 1992, this charity provides education, vocational and life skills training for people with ASD at Eden school, children’s centre and centre for adults. They also offer resources for parents, and always welcome donations and volunteers.
Find them at
Metta Welfare Associatione
Metta means “loving kindness” in Pali. The Metta Welfare Association offers disability, medical, rehabilitative and children care, and special education through Metta School for children with ASD or mild intellectual disability.
Besides money, donations can be in the form of clothing, shoes, handbags, towels, bedsheets, stuffed toys, which will benefit the needy in the Philippines. They also have a Green Charity Drive, where we can recycle used computers, mobile phones, IT peripherals and electronics.
Go to:

Singapore Amalgamated Services Co-operative Organisation Ltd. (SASCO) Senior Citizens Home

The SASCO Senior Citizens Home provides a homely environment and care for the aged destitute, medical support, activities and transport. Donations contribute to beds, wheelchairs, furniture, adult diapers etc. More funds are needed each year as the aging population starts to swell.
Check out:
Society for Continence (Singapore)
This voluntary welfare organisation is dedicated to helping the aged sick and disabled suffering from incontinence. Donations help with beds, wheelchairs, and adult diapers etc. for 16 old-age/nursing homes.
Find out more at:
Industrial & Services Co-operative Society Ltd (ISCOS)
An incarcerated person needs a period of readjustment to regain confidence and self-esteem to function in society again. ISCOS helps ex-offenders and their families reintegrate into society through job and skills training and family-bonding activities.
You can learn more about their services at:
Metta Welfare Association

We are inspired by this team of volunteers who go out to rescue unfortunate street dogs. On top of their busy schedules with jobs and family, they make the time and effort to look after strays at a shelter. If you are looking for a puppy or dog to adopt, or would like to donate or volunteer your help, they would really appreciate it. We have also contributed dog food, and you may also.
Please visit:
HOPE Dog Rescue
Another amazing group of volunteer animal rescuers who make the time to help abused or abandoned animals. They do not have a physical shelter, but depend on volunteers and fosterers during the animal’s rehabilitation.
If you’d like to foster, adopt, donate or volunteer, please go to
Drops of Hope to Rebuild Lives
Since the devastating earthquakes that hit Nepal in April and May 2015, we’ve been raising funds within our community in Singapore to rally with one of our graduates – Josh B Niraula, a member of the Rotary Club Nepal – to help feed the people in destroyed villages and to build homes.

Our graduate, Josh Niraula, distributing relief material to families whose houses were damaged in Thaiba village, Lalitpur.
Cambodia English Project
A project that provides financial sponsorship/support to children with potential in learning English but who are unable to afford the school fees. They also provide the platform for volunteer teachers to help share effective English learning methods with Cambodian teachers. Two of the founders, Ashelyn and Vivienne, are graduates of Mind Transformations’ NLP programme.
You can donate or sign up to impart English language knowledge at

LIFE – Learning Inspires, Frees and Empowers, founded by Dr. Annie Lim, aims to support underprivileged children worldwide through education.
Find out more at
LIFE is committed to support Sao Sary Foundation (SSF), which is protecting destitute children in Cambodia from violence, exploitation, abuse, commercial sexual exploitation, human trafficking, child labour and child marriage.
Project Legacy is SSF’s vision to build a sustainable community village of 5,000 sqm in Kampong Speu for training and education, housing 80 vulnerable at risk kids and impacting 500 youths by 2015.
Vietnam and Cambodia
One Body Village has been dedicating their efforts in improving the lives of high risk and sexually exploited children in by giving them shelter, education, medical care, psychological counseling and vocational training. Did you know that since 1999, One Body Village has rescued 1031 children? With your help, they can reach more and more children until the last child is free from sexual exploitation and trafficking. Mind Transformations believes in advocating sustainable solutions to global issues. By supporting One Body Village in their mission, they can continue to empower these children through:
- Rescue
- Rehabilitation
- Prevention
Connect with them at to learn how you can support them in helping these children to heal and write their future.

Green Living Magazine
This free magazine aims to inspire “Doing a Little Thing to Make a Better World” for living an earth-friendly zero carbon footprint lifestyle in Thailand. There are many articles to read and activities to do.
We have donated to the magazine and its projects, such as Planting Mangrove Trees and the Green Living Festival (public awareness exhibition).

Pakkred Baby Home
Home for orphans aged 0 – 6 years.
Baan Baan Fuengfah
Home for children with mental retardation aged 0 – 7 years.
Bann Rachawadee
Home for children with mental retardation aged 7 – 18 years.

Made By Survivors
Human trafficking, especially women and children, is real and alive in today’s world! There are at least 27 million people that are now bought and sold for sexual exploitation, forced prostitution, forced/bonded labour in domestic, factory, agriculture and fishing industries, forced begging and child soldiers.

One amazing American lady, Sarah Symons, learnt about human trafficking when she watched the film “The Day My God Died,” and decided to take action. Together with her husband, John Berger, they used their life savings and turned their world upside-down, to create Made By Survivors – helping survivors of slavery to learn, make and sell beautiful jewelry.
I, Agnes, met Sarah in 2013, and found her to be such a humble, authentic, grounded and passionate human being, with her heart wide open and vulnerable. She has written about her incredible journey in her book This Is No Ordinary Joy – How the Courage of Survivors Transformed My Life.
We strongly encourage you to get her book and read about how a person can reach out and help others from across the globe.
Please explore and learn more on their website
and you may choose to make a donation, or to buy their lovely jewelry at

Jalpaiguri Shelter
Made By Survivors, in partnership with Women’s Interlink Foundation ( is building a new shelter with the aim to house 125 girls, survivors of trafficking or severe child labour in the region. Unfortunately, this region is notorious for trafficking for labour in tea plantations and for sexual exploitation. Many girls are sold first for labour, and later for brothel slavery.
Please email if you wish to donate or help in any way. She is absolutely lovely!

Update Aug 2014: Shelter exterior is complete!
Paskay – School of T’astayoc
School children in T’astayoc in the high Andes (4,100m above sea level), were malnourished, exhausted and unable to concentrate in class. Under Carlos Gibaja Tapia, Paskay’s first project was to build greenhouses to grow plants and vegetables for the students, for a more balanced diet. They were able to have a meal before walking home, many for over an hour, higher up in the mountains. Their health improved significantly, and they did much better in school and sports.
However, they do need donations to keep the project alive and the students fed.
For more information and photos, explore
To donate, go to

Agnes (left) with students at T’astayoc

Vegetables in the greenhouse
The Institute of HeartMath’s Global Coherence Initiative Adopt a Scientist Fund
Mission: The Institute of HeartMath’s Global Coherence Initiative is a science-based, co-creative project to unite people in heart-focused care and intention, to facilitate the shift in global consciousness from instability and discord to balance, cooperation and enduring peace.

They needed to hire a data analyst to further examine the correlations between people and the effects of geomagnetic and solar activity, so they set up an Adopt a Scientist Appeal. This is to help understand the energetic connections between people and the Earth’s fields, and to raise people’s coherence and consciousness, something we, at Mind Transformations, are promoting and assisting.
Their work is really interesting. To find out more, go to