Home/Agnes Lau
Agnes Lau - Neuro-Linguistic Enneagram Trainer in Singapore and Asia

About Agnes Lau

Agnes is a trainer and coach at Mind Transformations. She works with clients to transform their lives, where her coaching talent is complemented by her deep knowledge in applied psychology, Neuro-Linguistic Enneagram personality profiling and complementary health.

The “Spirit” of being an Enneagram practitioner – Cultivating Wisdom and Compassion

All our classes are conducted in compliance with the safety [...]

2024-05-09T13:59:52+08:00Enneagram, self-mastery|
2024-05-09T13:59:52+08:00Enneagram, self-mastery|

Discovering your Enneagram Type: Realizing who you are as a Whole-Person to develop your Best Self

YOU are the best person to discover your Enneagram Type! And [...]

2020-08-15T11:06:59+08:00Enneagram, self-mastery|
2020-08-15T11:06:59+08:00Enneagram, self-mastery|
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