“Everything is connected” - Where are global forces pushing and pulling us towards?
As we look ahead to 2024, I want to look at five critical, hyper-connected aspects of our existence:
- During the pandemic, there was a distinct increase in Conservation values (order & safety, resist change), while the Openness to Change values (creativity, exploration, novelty) cautiously increased (weak) in 2023.
- There was a reduction in Self-Transcendence values (We Consciousness, welfare & care) and no change in Self-Enhancement values (self-interest, success & dominance) before, during and after the pandemic.
Evolution of values - in response to VUCA
Human values are usually stable over time. However, they have been shown to shift in the face of threats and multi-faceted major events, impacting social interaction (including commercial activities) and planetary evolution (which includes human societies).
Organisations that thrived during crises demonstrated Self-Transcendence values
What seems to contradict the research above is a study of organisational behaviours in business by Heidi Gardner and Ivan Matviak (Harvard Business Review, Jul 2020). From studying data from 2010 to 2020, they showed that the most collaborative organisations (top 10%) grew their business during and after crises. These collaborative organisations studied were the "opposite" of organisations which reduced collaboration and hoarded their clients and business secrets (more conservative).
Collaborative people expanded their network across functional and industry silos and increased the number of colleagues they worked with. They were willing to pitch in on other people's work. They co-created new opportunities and executed them; the project's success is more important than the individual's personal glory.
In chaotic environments where people tend to be conservative and less self-transcendent (We Consciousness), successful organisations in crises become more collaborative and democratic (inclusive).
What do these findings mean - What should we focus on developing in 2024?
Strengthening VUCA-Fitness
In my research (PhD Dissertation 2020) on VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity & Ambiguity), I asked the question, "What kind of nervous system is required for human beings to be VUCA-Fit?" My research found a high degree of correlation with the information above.
In VUCA situations--dealing with geopolitical fallouts, technological changes, responding to climate crises and bio-threats, and shifts in human values--we need to master these multi-intelligence skills:
Master our emotions, plan, visualise scenarios and act quickly; be sensorily alert to capture feedback.
Frame our search for information and catalogue it, collaborate with diverse people and expand our communication and interpersonal skills.
Learn how to see patterns in different sets of data, frame problems and solutions in new ways, and think inductively, abductively and deductively.
Embrace the wisdom of failing forward, i.e. to develop "good enough" executable experiments (plans) so that we can gather feedback to evolve our approach.
Be mindful of our assumptions; be willing to challenge and learn from them.
In service and response to a VUCA-rife 2024, Mind Transformations will continue to intensify its research and development in NLP Mental (IQ), Emotional (EQ), Physical (PQ) and Spiritual Intelligence (SQ) so that people can be more VUCA-Fit.
What specifically will we unveil this year? Read this related article on Developments at Mind Transformations in 2024 to set our learners up for success. |